Night Sorcery Abounds

Here is a short video project my friend and i collaborated on. It's the first one we ever did and something i have wanted to do for a long time. We were just messing around with it to see what we could come up with.   A little creepy, but in a cool way i think.  It's a bunch of pictures put together to look like a video, like a motion picture book. That is why it is so choppy. I like it better than straight video, just for something different.  It was his creative idea for that and he put this all together.  It's supposed to be a little representative of the Goddess Kali energy. The words being spoken in it are a few lines from one of my poems. The song in the background is Awaken the Snake by Peruquois.

Here is the poem i wrote in it's entirety below:

Darkness yearns to let the light in dancing together to create new worlds

Swinging high, near my beloved trees and sinking back down forcefully yet gracefully towards the earth.  Concentrated expansiveness.  Sharp but not rigid.  My small body only an illusive shell to the seriousness of my soul.  

My fiery spirit, defying the borders of  my body soothing and surrounding with warm tenderness.  Connecting with the tones of the sun like harps in my cells.  

Thick tree roots gliding up my legs anchoring me with their breath.  I exhale to support theirs. They feel the gifts I possess.  In silence I hear their Truth.  I smile at it’s simple wisdom. Discovering it is my own now too.

My eyes focused like a beam through space and time, to where you are. Letting go of all self-conscious silliness, as I relax into being. Humanness aside I just glide smoothly, blissfully.

I am a ghost of now, paused in possibility.  My beauty outwardly silent and invisible but expanding within from my love.  I’m flowering from head to toe.   My femininity shifts inward, like a thick chord traveling through an ocean to the earths core.

I hold my hands up to the sky. Honoring the integrity of creation.  I pine for a kiss from the sun on my eyes. Blessed to be.  Just be another day.  A lust for all that is raw and honest, natural and strong.

Imperfection transmuted into just right. Gorgeous night.  I come alive for you. You are the dark Goddess protecting her light within.  Reflecting the light of God.

 Night sorcery abounds. The world  asleep as I pray and dance with you. Bursting with light like all the stars.  Our heart space.

My passionate gratitude for the moon is strong.  It is enough to override those who avert their eyes, unfazed and unmoved by her.  A dishonor we can absorb.

My ancient tribe still awake inside.  My desire seeping through my eyes.  Body bridging mind and soul like wild fire. Light as a feather, heavy as lead.  I surrender.